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Version: Feature Pack 2 Hotfix 3. Released: 13th March 2014. Check Also.. iES Virtual Environment 2013. Version: Feature Pack 2 Hotfix 3. Released: 13th March 2014. [Read More]Health warning about colds, flu and food poisoning. Some aspects of cold and flu epidemics are being re-examined by scientists working on the theme of 'infectious diseases and their control'. This commentary reviews the major new findings and provides some guidelines for policy makers. Emerging evidence suggests that seasonal influenza epidemics are caused in part by effects of the cold on nasal function, and/or the timing of seasonal changes in airborne virus concentrations. The interaction of virus shedding and the immune system in relation to common colds remains poorly understood. However, emerging evidence suggests that the risk of developing severe sequelae from colds is increased in young children. At the individual level, a poor memory of illness in early childhood and an absence of protective maternal antibodies may increase the risk of secondary colds and pneumonia later in life. It is suggested that colds and related symptoms may be more common than generally believed and that effective treatment may reduce the cost of illness for society. At the population level, colds appear to have a complex relationship with the occurrence of respiratory tract infections in the community. Some epidemiological studies suggest that the seasonal increase in respiratory disease may be related to changes in seasonally occurring viral activity. However, such apparent associations may be a result of the local environment (in which social contacts and the concentration of infectious agents play an important role), and cannot be considered causal.My gratitude to @karenwarren of @ladyhorror for bringing to my attention a discussion about “Fanon”, as well as the history of the term (via #mindthegap) For those who might not know, Fanon was a French psychiatrist and psychoanalyst. He was one of the first proponents of the links between psychiatry and racism, and is also known for his role in the Algerian War of Independence in the 1950s. Today, there’s an ongoing debate among academia, politics and media about whether Fanon’s legacy is relevant or not, and whether the link between psychiatry and racism is as strong as it was in the past. The discussion has been brewing for some time, but is now starting to gain traction, as evidenced by recent headlines like this one: Of course, Fanon’s posthumous publication of
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